Wednesday, January 10, 2007

genes schmenes

In this new world of marvels, where amazing discoverys step on each others heels and even scientists bound to universities can make a nice profit on their findings, there has arisen a whole new set of moral issues on amongst other subjects, my favorite one, gene licensing. Or to be more specific licensing of small parts of the human genome. Crazy shit, no?

We no longer have the sole right over our own bodies, is what the media machine is saying. What do I say? Bullshit. A reinvention of the image of scientists as anti-moral and greedy, feeding the religious opponents of stem cell research and helping them gain ground by spreading hate propaganda that appeals to sane people. I.e. us, the agnostics, atheists and those of the faith that think it's ok to screw your girl/boyfriend and to perform research on aborted fetuses (uh..feti? no.) that haven't gotten far enough along to be people yet.

And they do thisby appealing to our sense of integrity. "Do you really think it's right that a scientist has the right to take a piece of your body and use it in his shady lab for some devilish purpose. Progress is Satan! Praise Jaysuhs! Halleluyah" Totally a real quote.

I say you can use any part of my body for research, it's not like I'd die if you took a few organ samples. So I have a leukemia resistent gene? Excellent, grab it and save the lives of six year olds with it. Seriously, personal integrity is important and all, but there is such a thing as the greater good. Snootch.

Also; I think the great Flying Spaghetti Monster agrees with me on this one. All hail his noodlness etc.

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